Developing a Courageous Faith Sermon Series


Worship Folders

Those of us who grew up with a basement or attic in our house know that's where we tended to store items we were not quite ready to get rid of, items that held significance and value to our families.

Sometimes we treat the promises of God in the Old Testament in a similar manner. We know they are valuable. We know they are significant. But it's only when we go back to them and spend time exploring them that we realize the riches they contain.

During the month of November we will spend Sunday mornings in the Old Testament book of Isaiah, where the promises of God come to life before our eyes.

This is a study you won't want to miss!

Join us each Sunday at 10:45am (Ignite Modern Worship Service) or 11:00am (Traditional Worship Service) or watch live on our streaming page, Facebook page, or YouTube channel (click HERE).