Women’s Study: The Book of Daniel, by Nancy Caudel

Women’s Study: The Book of Daniel, by Nancy Caudel

Begins September 8
Thursdays • 9:30-11:30am • Room B301
Contact: Nancy Caudel • nancycaudel@att.net • 286.1101

Sometimes referred to as the “Apocalypse of the Old Testament,” the book of Daniel presents the long life and the intriguing visions of one who is “highly esteemed” in the eyes of the Lord. Daniel lived for over 80 years in exile in a foreign land, the country of Babylon, and through his actions and words, Daniel revealed the truth of God in an often hostile place. His visions reveal that though kingdoms may come and go, all wisdom and power belong to God alone. These visions served to give hope to God’s people as they lived as God’s chosen people in a foreign land. God is still in control and He has a plan.