The Light and Life Ministry

For more information, email or call 864.907.1516.
To speak truth, change hearts, and save lives.
To equip our members with the knowledge of the sanctity of life and opportunities to uphold our Sanctity of Life ECO Essential Tenets of Faith: “We recognize and honor the image of God in every human being from conception to natural death.”
The Light & Life Ministry educates and encourages our members to be gospel-driven champions for life by:
Raising awareness and shedding light on the devastating effects of abortion.
Providing resources for restorative care and healing for women and men who have
experienced child loss due to abortion or miscarriage.
Equipping Christians to make a persuasive case for life from a biblical perspective.
Educating our congregation on the sanctity of life legal issues and protections.
Being an outreach ministry in and to our community.
Some of our activities:
Teach in Sunday morning adult Life Groups.
Speak from the pulpit annually on Sanctity of Life Sunday.
Hold fundraisers on Mother's Day for our local pregnancy care center.
Participate in educational conferences where we advise other Presbyterian churches on how to start their own Life Team ministries.
Invite local pro-life ministries to have an exhibit when we have events on the sanctity of life.

Update from the 2024 ECO Conference
PPL's Executive Director reported that our exhibit at ECO "Metanoia" 2024, in partnership with FPC's Light and Life Ministry team, drew many eager visitors. ECO pastors, ministry leaders, and lay leaders representing several states and countries such as the UK, Ukraine, and Brazil. The interest areas that seemed to unify all were the topics of Life Teams, end-of-life issues, and suicide. One Breakout Session speaker was encouraged by the infographics on suicide which she was highlighting as her topic that day.
God faithfully provided for specific needs in other ways, opening the door for a conversation with a local PCA pastor in Greenville,

Learn about the basics of pro-life ministry leadership.
PPL helps Presbyterian and Reformed churches create sanctity of life ministry teams to help pastors and congregations champion life.
Learn about the basics of pro-life ministry leadership.
Provides free online courses and e-books to equip and train people interested in becoming “Pro Abundant Life.”
Hope For a Better Life Interview –
Dr. Robert E. Jackson recently met his interviewee, Amy R. Murray, author of Hope For a Better Life, which is her own miraculous true story. Adopted at birth, Mrs. Murray describes how at the age of 43 she discovered her birth mother and the shocking information surrounding her conception - the result of rape. Amy’s book, Hope For a Better Life, is based on her miraculous adoption story. It is available in Books & Gifts@First.
LTI equips Christians to make a persuasive case for life from a biblical perspective.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE – Facebook page
An internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.
Viable is a one-act play about a woman who suffered from decades of post-abortion sorrow, shame, and self-condemnation until she encountered the merciful love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ—in a most unexpected and unusual way!
Healing, help, and recovery for abortion regret and grief
FORGIVEN & SET FREE a Bible study for women; Healing a Father’s Heart a Bible study for men – both by Linda Cochrane, available at
Facilitating Biblical Healing Leaders Guide – for use with Forgiven and Set Free books
Speak Up for Life Conference
Do you believe we are all made in the image of God and that every life, no matter how small, has dignity, and value and is sacred to God? Scriptures tell us God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27
If this resonates with you, please take a few minutes to view videos from the 2019 Speak Up for Life Conference (click on the links below). Guest speaker, Scott Klusendorf, president of the Life Training Institute, answered the key question “What is the unborn?” and made a persuasive case for life that will inspire, encourage, and equip you to “Speak Up for Life!”
Lisa Van Riper, President of South Carolina Citizens for Life
Scott Klusendorf: President of Life Training Institute
Scott Klusendorf (Part 2)
Scott Klusendorf (Part 3)
Scott Klusendorf (Part 4)
Robert E. Jackson, M.D., Jackson Family Ministries
Stephanie Johnson: Lay Leader of Light & Life Ministry
Scott Klusendorf (Part 5) Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Scott Klusendorf Conclusion
Stephanie Johnson
Meridith Rodey
Megan Hall
Lisa VanRiper
Amy Murray