Covenant Partners Directory

How to Access:

The online directory, accessible only to FPC covenant partners, will give you contact information for adult members and community groups.

From the FPC website:

1. Click Login (top right menu on the FPC website) Enter Username and Password. Click Login.

  1. If you’ve never done this, click on Register and create an account by following steps provided.
  2. If you’ve forgotten your previous account, click on Forgot Account and follow steps provided
2. Hover over the drop-down arrow beside

Hello (Your First Name). Click My Account.

3. Scroll down until you can see (on the right)

Membership Directory
Use the Name Search Boxes or Alphabet to search for Adult Covenant Partners of First Pres.

4. From the My Account page, you can also click on a Group name to see all members in your community groups.

From the FPC mobile app:
1. Click the mobile app FPC Live on your device.
  1. If you don’t have the app, download it from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. Search for FPC Live.
2. Click on Resources, then Covenant Partners Directory.

3. Follow instructions #1-3 above.

Uploading photos:

If you do not have a photo associated with your account you may upload your own photo.

Photo parameters:

Photo must be a headshot or photo of you alone
Background should be free of clutter or distracting elements
Photo must be easily cropped to a square
Maximum size is 1800 x 1800 pixels